Welcome...So glad you made it here...

A little bit about us...


It could be said that Sukha Lifestyle was established way back in 1996 I just didn’t know it!

Travelling was always in my blood, as a young woman, I spent time in the USA, Middle East and Europe, then I found SE Asia! Long story short…After spending many happy holidays exploring Thailand and surrounding areas with my partner, we decided to throw caution to the wind and become the oldest backpackers in town…we left the UK to travel for a year.

This went so totally not to plan…we decided to start our journey from our favourite island Koh Samui in Thailand  and within 3 months we had started to build a house and then created two businesses to keep us occupied… Not too bad for two people who had no plans!

Our life on the island carried on for 12 more amazing years and during this time we became very involved with the local community, which is where the passion for anything Reimagined and Recycled happened. The local Thai community are incredibly creative and the number of artisan makers is astounding, producing goods which are not only unique but of the best quality as well.

You know the saying ‘All good things have to come to an end’? Well not really…after leaving Koh Samui and spending a year in Bangkok we made the decision to return to the UK. And then? We returned last year (I know, who would do that in the middle of a pandemic?) This time around delved into Aquaponic farming, kept chickens, grew fruit and vegetables... the opportunity to showcase a range of beautiful products sourced from SE Asia and beyond presented itself!

Sukha Lifestyle was created and we are loving the journey so far and we hope that you do as well.

Happy travels!

 PS It has not stopped there...we are now scouting Portugal for new products which will be coming your way soon...

At Sukha we believe in providing the best products sourced from sustainable sources without compromising quality.
We know you will love wearing our items as much as we love designing them.

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