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How we get items to you...

Written by Lorraine Clark


Posted on September 16 2021

The Thailand Post service isn’t any old post service, previously known as The Communications Authority of Thailand, was established in 1883 and prior to that it was amore of a haphazard affair of news being carried by merchants and traders, or horse and rider, or even passed on along a relay system of runners who would sprint from one major town to another. It has got a lot more technical since then, with Post Offices located in every town, easy to reach ones in supermarkets, agents in the ‘Mom & Pop’ stores (otherwise known as village stores), and the range of services has expanded beyond the imaginings of the poor runners of the 19th century!

Sukha Lifestyle uses Thailand Post a  secure way to get your goods to you, they are tracked and packed using quality products recommended by any post service (although every now and again we will recycle a box that we already have in our possession…that’s our passion…right?) to be safely delivered to your door.

Truth be told we will not only use the Post Office, we have a network of courier services we can call on and will always look out for the best deal for you, things can get pretty inventive here when it comes to transport, I will always remember seeing two guys on a moped…nothing unusual in that I hear you say? Well the one on the back was holding a full size mattress on his head which was totally covering the riders face…it was only when the wind caught it and raised it upwards that he could actually see and this was how they continued their journey!

Life is never boring living here!


“At bank, post office or supermarket, there is one universal law which you ignore at your own peril: the shortest line moves the slowest.”

Bill Vaughan